Wednesday, 24 July 2019

He is really here now

So now he is elected he is manufacturing the monster of what he knows, but what does he know?

The irony of the celebration of success of the machine of his personality is an amazing reconstruction of the same way in which the welcoming hordes of middle class Germans stood enthralled before Adolf as he strode into their political future.  They were unsure of what he stood for, but they knew that his persona was something they could rally around.  A strong, white, aryan hero which we can all look to for sustenance in these days of insipid liberal chauvinism.

It is only when you really look into the yawning chasm of their personalities and what they actually stand for and are motivated by that you start to understand where these over-rated heroes fall down.  Johnson is the figment of the collective imagination of a group of people who have been struggling to rally people to their banner since the death of their ideal on the battle fields of the late 2000's. He is the nationalist ideologue who gives truth to the lie of the ideology of the late 1990's in which so many believed and in which so much was lost.  He is an ideologue who blames the ills since then on migration, something which is literally impossible to stop.  He also blames the EU, hilariously unaware that even if we leave it, 90% of the rules will stay as part of our membership of other multi-national bodies.

But then you look at who voted for him and you realise that it is ourselves we are deceiving.  That we believe we are moving to a better place by voting for people who claim that someone else will pay for everything else that we want.  If you are Boris Johnson then the EU and the lower classes are the ones who will pay.  If you are John Mcdonnell and Jeremy Corbyn then the richest 25% and corporations will pay.  Well;  someone has to pay...  and to be honest its probably everyone, but some people have been paying a shit load more for the last 30 years than others, and I do not believe this is an absolute, rather relative, call!

Boris Johnson is a liar, a racist and a demagogue who has very little track record and very little chance of making anything work within our existing framework.  However, like others he is likely to try and bend the framework to facilitate his own failings and deliver his own agenda.  We must resist this at all costs lest he destroy us.  Unite against Fascism.  Bring down this Johnson government.

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