Saturday 17 October 2009

Fantastic advertising

So I was sitting there thinking about smashing up Simon Cowell, when I came across this new appalling advert for T-Mobile. This one features some fuckwit musician being asked the question; 'What would you do with unlimited texts?'

His response is: 'I'd call all the musicians I know and we'd start a superband!'

When I saw this response, it upset me very much. Not only is this a terrible idea, it also suggests a series of follow-up adverts, each shitter than the next and featuring this chap from the advert molesting his 'friends' to play in his super band and culminating in another of those 'flashmob' style events where spannered city boys and bemused old people stare in horror as a group of unpleasantly extroverted wankers strum their instruments together.

Once again, real life gets hijacked by advertising. Its getting so that you don't even know whats real anymore, is that person buying Medium Cheddar in Tescos really actually buying it or are they just being paid by Tescos to stand their and pick it up and look at it to suggest to me that I should buy it? Who knows? All I know is that if I'm there when the 'superband' starts playing in London Bridge station then I'll be right there, kicking them right in the trumpet.

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